Monday, October 5, 2009

"The Time Machine" Review

Time travel is a mystery to us. In The Time Machine, H.G. Wells and the time traveler try to explore this world we know nothing of with an adventurous story.

The theme of The Time Machine is be careful what you wish for. The time traveler wished he could travel through time, he got this wish but was led into trouble.

The writing style of H.G. Wells is much different than the writing styles I am used to. H.G. Wells wrote this book a long time ago, so the slang has changed. This made The Time Machine hard for me to read. Another different part of Wells' writing style was the lack of names. Hardly anyone in this book had a name, the characters were referred to as "the time traveler" or "the professor."

The characters in this book were hard to imagine. The main reason for this was the lack of names and detail. Also, many of the characters are not people. Most of the characters are the creatures from the future.

The setting of The Time Machine was great. The world that the time traveler was in is much different than my world, but the use of detail made reading and imagining where the story was taking place easy.

The time traveler is an inventor. He invented a time machine and desperately wanted to try to travel through time. He hosts a weekly dinner party. One week he was telling the guests about his machine. The next week he was no where to be found at the time of the dinner party. When he arrives he tells the guests about his time travel experience. Almost the entire book is the time traveler telling his dinner guests the adventures he experienced in time travel.

This book is nothing like any book I have ever read. I do not read science fiction novels so I cannot connect this book to any other book I have read.

I would recommend this book to adults that like old science fiction novels. The Time Machine was difficult to read, but overall, not a horrible book.

83 pages

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